Holocaust Remembrance Day – 6 May, 2024

The Holocaust is not forgotten. It is etched in our memory banks and cannot be removed. To that historical event revealing the depths of man’s depravity and inhumanity, we add yet another painful saga in the demonic attempts to destroy the Jews as a nation, that the name of Israel would be no more (Psalm 83:4).

The attached flag of Israel speaks louder than a thousand words. It is made up of photographs of the victims of the Hamas terrorist attack of October 7th, the greatest single catastrophe perpetrated against the Jewish people and the nation of Israel since the Holocaust.

Enlarge the flag and see the faces of the victims.

Another photo, then and now. Worth 6 million words, plus an additional approximately 1,500.

And, 4 more IDF reservists were killed yesterday when Hamas fired missiles fired FROM Rafiah (Rafah) towards the area of the Kerem Shalom crossing, on the Israeli side of the Israel-Gaza divide. This crossing is one of the main entry points for humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip and we are being urged not to militarily pursue Hamas there. The missiles continue to be fired towards us, and we are being pressured from within and from without not to respond. We live in an insane world, where the universal rules apply to everyone … except Israel.

More later.


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